sábado, 17 de outubro de 2009

Day 7

Well like I said on the post before, I'm not changing my play style until 10k hands so I played a 9 table 2 hour session yesterday on PS with 32/12/3.

The session started normal with a few losses due to not being respected at the tables and my cbets being called. I also always start a little shy not entering that many pots and not playing so aggressively like I use to.
After around 140 hands, things went in place and I went positive for the session. For the rest of the time my graph like you can see kept rising bit by bit with the occasional jump of an All In winning.

As you can see I ended up with an amazing $28.20 over 688 hands which is my personal best and to be honest pretty amazing.

Here's some crude analysis:
  • I saw the flop 226 hands out of 260 were I put money (87%). The 39 I didn't see the flop, I lost 0.34c and won 0.52c having a positive balance of $0.18c.
  • I went All In 13 times in 226 hand (6%), loosing 5 times (42%) a total of $4.16 and winning 7 (58%) times a total of $20.64 having a positive balance of $16.48. The All In winnings represent 58% of the night winnings. 
  • I went to showdown 51 out of 226 (23%) hands loosing 33 hands (51%) a total of $5.32 and winning 31 (49%) a total of $13.75 having a positive balance of $8.43. The net showdown winnings represent 30% of the night winnings.
  • I  went in 162 hands (71%) that finished without showdown . I lost 89 hands (55%) a total of $5.44 and won 73 hands (45%) a total of $9.69 having a positive balance of $4.25. The net showdown winnings represent 14% of the night winnings.

From what I see I won all the big all ins, only loosing some light ones I called given the short stack of the villain and 2 of them I lost where I had a high +EV. As a final note on the All Ins, I had +EV on all I lost for a total of $5.05.
My bluffs make me stay positive on the non showdown winnings and when I get to showdown I'm sure to win about half of them and extract value from them controlling the pot on most of the others.

All in all a great day I don't know If I can repeat.

PS: I'm finally above my plan :D

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