Well, what can I say...this day had to come!
-$9.53 over 1,421 hands!
Last night I blew up every expectation I had of reaching the 125$ over 10k hands and I did it in style.
I could take shelter in variance but I don't think that would be the right thing to do. I also could omit the results and feign that the session never happened but that wouldn't count towards my goal either and would only make things a fraud so I better just assume it and try to understand what happened.
It's true that I had my AA beaten by Q8 making a straight, it's also true twice my KK encountered AA and my QQ found a KK but it's also true that I made huge mistakes.
I made mistakes evaluating the hands of others, I made mistakes making hero calls a problem I thought I had fixed, I did mistakes going on to much games with marginal hands and had my TPLK beaten by TPTK but above all, my greatest mistake was not knowing when to stop.
As you can see in the spreadsheet, I played 1400+ hands over 3 hours, an amazing 430+ hands per hour, having up to 14 tables at the same time. I feel that I can handle it and that was not the major leak yesterday, although it feels strange because with 14 tables you go all in on one table and you hardly can see the output...you wont probably remember where you did it lol.
The night started very nice rising up to 4$ on 9 tables, after a while I was on 9$ with only 400 hands played but after that the mistakes started to come and I went bellow 0 very fast and I stood there on -2, -3 a lot of time waiting for the big hands. Some came but when I hit no one was willing to pay me and then some of those hands made a big part of my loss like I explained. At around 1300 hands I reached 0 and I really should had stopped there if not before but I wanted to go on and I close almost all the tables staying only on the winning ones and the Armageddon came a some stupid calls along with bad beats took me to where I ended.
I will try to take 2 lessons out of last night.
1st I must stop when I see my game affected by losses. At the very least I must make a break.
2nd I have to take things lighter, meaning the spreadsheet is a nice goal but it demands me to beat the level by 62.5 BB/100 which I have made sometimes but it's an extremely high value. I'm on 51.9 BB/100 which is a very high value that before I started this I wouldn't dream possible so even if I fail the goal which I will probably fail, it has been a great month!
Off to work now, tonight I probably wont play because I need to "loose" at least one hour looking at last night mistakes.
Grécia - O Momento da Verdade...
Há 9 anos