Another good day in uNL. I've made a total of 11.55$ over 563 hands in 3h.10m.
I'm getting more confident although I still feel I'm making some -EV$ plays.
Tonight I'm very tired but tomorrow I will dedicate some time to Hold'em Manager and try to find out what I could do different.
On the other hand, I feel I'm starting to loosen up on some factors like not paying real attention whether if a lot of money is at stake if I feel I'm ahead. I've been raising more, limping less although I still don't know how to react to a raise on a hand that I would raise if folded/limped to me.
My VPIP$ is still very high but that is mainly because I'm limping the following:
- Low pocket pairs(22-99) for set mining.
- Suited connectors (23-9T) for straight mining. I will do this specially if a bully is at my table.
- A2-A9s. I limp about 30% of them.
- A2-A9o.I limp about 10% of them.
- Gaped Connectors. I rather not talk about this insanity moments
- Suited heavey gapped cards...they are so beautiful...ok I really must start to play on a two colour deck.
Here is the analysis for my
limped pocket pairs:
| %
| Pre Flop Status
| Cards
| #
| $
| %#
| %$
Pocket Pairs
| 21.25%
| Unopened
| 22
| 1
| $0.03
| 5.88%
| 0.98%
| 33
| 1
| $0.10
| 5.88%
| 3.27%
| 33
| 1
| -$0.08
| 5.88%
| -2.62%
| 44
| 1
| -$0.02
| 5.88%
| -0.65%
| 55
| 1
| $0.13
| 5.88%
| 4.25%
| 66
| 1
| $2.86
| 5.88%
| 93.53%
| 77
| 1
| $0.61
| 5.88%
| 19.95%
| 99
| 1
| -$0.20
| 5.88%
| -6.54%
| 8
| $3.43
| 47.06%
| 112.16%
| 1 Limper
| 44
| 1
| -$0.01
| 5.88%
| -0.39%
| 88
| 1
| -$0.06
| 5.88%
| -1.96%
| 99
| 1
| -$0.26
| 5.88%
| -8.50%
| 99
| 1
| -$0.02
| 5.88%
| -0.65%
| 4
| -$0.35
| 23.53%
| -11.51%
| 2+ Limper's
| 33
| 1
| -$0.08
| 5.88%
| -2.62%
| TT
| 1
| -$0.06
| 5.88%
| -1.96%
| 2
| -$0.14
| 11.76%
| -4.58%
| 1 Raiser
| 22
| 1
| -$0.06
| 5.88%
| -1.96%
| TT
| 1
| -$0.10
| 5.88%
| -3.27%
| 2
| -$0.16
| 11.76%
| -5.23%
| 2+ Raisers
| 22
| 1
| $0.28
| 5.88%
| 9.16%
| 1
| $0.28
| 5.88%
| 9.16%
| 17
| £3.06
It's a short sample but it's the way I play them and I realy would like to change somethings like, raise more, limp less but I feel that whem I'm mining I should save money although I know that if I build the pot not only if I hit the set, the earnings will be bigger but it will put me in a better position to cbet and make better hands fold like I almost always do when I play a HU pot.
In this sample I only mined a set 2 times out of 17 that gives me 1:8 odds on mining witch are better then the 1:10 average I would have on a bigger sample. On the ones I mined, I got some $ out of them, on the others, I cbet + double barrelled my way to the pot on the HU plays and folded on the others.
I would like to show a special hand witch HM gives me -0.96 EV $ Diff and 83.2 equity. I made this call based on the following factors:
1. He had previously overvalued TPTK
2. The PFR Action made me think that he could have 22-TT AK-AT KQ-KT QJ JT
3. The Flop bet made me put him on A6 AT TT Ax Any 2 Spades.
Given this, I decided I would be WB on TT but WA on everything else even the set mining.
What did I not took in consideration to make my call:
1- Implied Odds
2- Reverse Implied Odds
Now the question...what would you do, did I overdo-it and won on pure luck?
Here's the hand:
Poker Stars $2.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
View hand 315738
The Official Hand History
Hero (UTG): $2.84
UTG+1: $1.97
UTG+2: $10.02
MP1: $3.74
MP2: $5.41
CO: $3.33
BTN: $2.66
SB: $1.01
BB: $2.62
Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is UTG with 6

Hero calls $0.02,
UTG+1 raises to $0.06, UTG+2 calls $0.06,
2 folds, CO calls $0.06,
1 fold, SB calls $0.05,
1 fold, Hero calls $0.04
Flop: ($0.32) A


(5 players)
SB bets $0.06, Hero calls $0.06, UTG+1 folds, UTG+2 calls $0.06,
CO raises to $3.27, SB folds, Hero calls $2.72 all in, UTG+2 folds
Turn: ($6.00) 8
(2 players - 1 is all in)
River: ($6.00) 3
(2 players - 1 is all in)
Final Pot: $6.00
Hero shows 6

CO shows A

Hero wins $5.70
(Rake: $-0.19)